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This article provides you with the best practices you can use to avoid or minimize fraud exposure.
Wireless networks can provide an unintended open door to your business network. Unless a valid business reason exists for wireless network use, it is recommended that all wireless networks be disabled. If a wireless network is to be used for legitimate business purposes, it is recommended that wireless networks be secured as follows:
Banco Popular conducts risk assessments of the systems to identify and strengthen controls to detect and prevent fraud attempts. However, we recommend you to periodically perform risk evaluations of your information systems and internal processes to identify if additional controls are necessary or need to strengthen existing controls.
In addition, Banco Popular has commercial services that will help reduce the risk of fraud in your business. To learn about the services that will help you manage your business finances safely and reliably, click here.
Banco Popular will not call requesting sensitive information of your commercial or personal account. Be alert if you receive a call requesting sensitive account information such as your username, password or secret PIN number. If you receive this type of call contact immediately the Business Banking Center to report the event.
If you notice a transaction not authorized by your business contact immediately the Business Banking Center at 787 756-3939 or 1 855 756-3939.
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of accuracy or applicability for any particular purpose. Neither Popular nor any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or related companies shall be liable for any special, direct, or indirect harm stemming from the information contained in this article. Should you require further information or guidance on the subject of this article, you should always seek the advice of a competent professional of your choice.