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How do I start a transaction in Retiro Móvil (Mobile Withdrawal)?

To start a Retiro Móvil (Mobile Withdrawal) transaction, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Mi Banco Mobile app.
  2. Select Retiro Móvil (Mobile Withdrawal) on the main screen to schedule a withdrawal.
  3. Choose the account from which you want to withdraw (this account must have an activated ATH debit card and/or ATH International debit card; otherwise, the app will not allow you to continue).
  4. Choose the amount you want to withdraw from those provided on the list.
  5. Click on For Me if you are scheduling a withdrawal for your personal use or click For Another if you wish to send the withdrawal to someone else. Remember that you have the option to select a phone number from your device’s contact list. If you’d like, you can enter a message or brief description of the transaction you are conducting.
  6. Click on the Continue button to confirm the transaction. The app will give you a transaction confirmation with the information according to the scheduled withdrawal: Retiro Móvil For Me.
  7. Click on the Scan button once you are in front of the participating Banco Popular ATM.
  8. Continue following the detailed instructions. In case the transaction is for another person, click on the option of Retiro Móvil For Another.
  9. Click on the Send Retiro Móvil Information button to send a message to the phone number programmed to make the withdrawal. This message will include a link that will redirect the person to an instructions page that will help them withdraw the cash. This message may be edited, and you can include additional text.